Call your Senator or Representative instead of emailing them. A call must be answered by a staffer and is harder to ignore.
US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
To locate your Member on-line:
U.S. House of Representatives:
U.S. Senate:
Sample Script
Hello, my name is __________. I’m a constituent of Rep./Sen. _________ and my zip code is ________. I’m calling to ask Rep./Sen. _________ to vote against any legislation that would repeal the Affordable Care Act without a better replacement in place. No replacement has been proposed that would provide the same health coverage and protections as the ACA. Repeal without a replacement could cause 30 million Americans to coverage.
[Optional: add your personal story about what the Affordable Care Act means to you.]
How to Call
When a staff member answers your call, tell them your name and zip code. They may ask for your address to confirm that you live in the Senator’s state or Representative’s district.
If you voted for the Member of Congress you’re calling, you can say so.
For each call, be prepared to state your opinion on a specific issue. For example, “I’m calling to urge Senator Portman not to vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a better replacement in place.”
Feel free to ask questions about the Senator or Representative’s stance on the issue or how they plan to vote.
If you already know the Member of Congress supports your opinion, you can thank them and ask them to continue to protect health care.
If your call isn’t answered by a staff member, leave a message with your name, phone number, zip code, and a brief message about your issue, then try calling back another time.
Who to Call
Everyone has three members of Congress: two Senators who represent the whole state and one Representative for their district.
Senator Rob Portman: 202-224-3353
Senator Sherrod Brown: 202-224-2315
Find your Representative: Click here and enter your zip code.