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The Kasich Administration’s Proposal to Phase Out Independent Providers – Are They Breaking the Promise of Consumer Choice?

Submitted by achenault on Thu, 02/19/2015 – 11:47am Advocates for people with disabilities who are on Medicaid were shocked, on February 2nd, when the Kasich administration announced , as part of its proposed budget, the  phase-out of Medicaid funding for Independent Providers (IPs) of home care services. Under the proposal, no new IPs could bill

King vs. Burwell: US Supreme Court Case Threatens to Topple Affordable Marketplace Coverage

Submitted by achenault on Wed, 03/04/2015 – 10:34am On March 4, the US Supreme Court will hear oral argument in the case of King v. Burwell. This case challenges the Affordable Care Act’s provision of tax subsidies in states, such as Ohio, using the federally operated Marketplace. If the Court strikes down subsidies, the decision

“Healthy Ohio” Waiver: Ohio Legislature Seeks Major Changes to Medicaid

Submitted by achenault on Tue, 08/25/2015 – 10:08am In the new Ohio 2-year budget, the Ohio legislature proposes to create a new health care program for most people on Medicaid. It is called “Healthy Ohio,” but names can be deceiving.  If approved, Healthy Ohio will restrict access to health care for many thousands of low

Stories Show Need for Consumer Protection against Surprise Medical Bills

Submitted by achenault on Tue, 08/25/2015 – 4:05pm Last month, I started a series on affordability with an article entitled “The ACA’s Role in Creating Equity in Our Health Care System.” I started out the series by sharing my own story about going to the doctor for free preventive exams and leaving with bills that

Avoiding High Medical Bills: ODI Moves Forward with Provider Network Disclosure Amid Calls to Do More

Submitted by achenault on Tue, 08/25/2015 – 3:33pm The Ohio Department of Insurance (ODI) took the next step toward finalizing a rule that will help Ohio consumers get better and more timely information about provider networks. Without access to their insurers’ provider networks, consumers can get hit with high costs for using out-of-network providers. On

Why Does Health Care in the US Cost So Much? Here Are the Real Reasons.

Submitted by achenault on Wed, 09/09/2015 – 12:50pm Many people have theories about what makes health care cost so much in the US. The truth is that many factors contribute to excessive spending, but experts have identified 4 major reasons why: (1) Per-Unit Price of Health Care; (2) Administrative Waste; (3) Quality; and (4) Population

Proposed Rule Implements ACA Non-Discrimination Requirements, Including Gender Identity Protections

Submitted by achenault on Wed, 09/23/2015 – 1:30pm This article, with the exception of the quote at the end from the Health Affairs Blog, is an abbreviated version of an e-mail sent on September 14, 2015 by Kellan E. Baker , MPH, MA, Senior Fellow of the LGBT Research and Communications Project of the Center

Dental Therapists: Workforce Development and Revenue Generator

Submitted by achenault on Wed, 11/04/2015 – 4:13pm What ONE profession could generate millions in economic impact in ONE Ohio county? Dental therapy! The places dental therapists and advanced dental therapists are allowed to practice in the U.S., Alaska and Minnesota, have had success increasing access to dental care, improving oral health, and changing the

Waivers in Montana and Arizona Shed Light on Healthy Ohio Waiver Fight

Submitted by achenault on Wed, 11/18/2015 – 3:34pm Many supporters of Ohio’s Medicaid expansion are confident that the Obama administration’s Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) will reject Ohio’s application to implement “Healthy Ohio” for most Ohio adults on Medicaid. (For more on “Healthy Ohio,” click here.) After all, unlike most other states requesting

OCHC Recommends Strengthened Non-Discrimination Rules Including Disability and Language Access Provisions

Submitted by achenault on Wed, 11/18/2015 – 3:41pm New rules are under discussion that will make sure that anti-discrimination protections are applied to all health programs and facilities receiving federal funds. Ohio Consumers for Health Coverage is working to ensure that the rules fully protect Ohioans against discrimination so that health care is accessible to