In March of 2023, OCHC provided testimony to the Ohio House Insurance Committee in support of Ohio House Bill 49, which would protect consumers from instances of surprise billing by hospitals and prohibit entities from collecting on behalf of hospitals. House Bill 49 has now been passed by the House and the Senate and is awaiting action by Governor DeWine.
OCHC Testimony to the Ohio House Insurance Committee
In June of 2023, OCHC, through Senior Health Policy Associate Kelly Vyzral, prepared and presented the maternal and child health budget as testimony for Ohio House Bill 33 (Ohio’s 2024-25 budget), in support of Medicaid coverage for women and children up to 300% of the FPL, increased funding for school-based healthcare, increase housing access to pregnant Ohioans, and promoting maternal and infant health through various health policy strategies.
Testimony for House Bill 33
In August of 2023, OCHC submitted official comments to the U.S. Department of Education that advocated for simplified parental consent processes for healthcare in school-based programs, making it easier for children to receive care in a school setting.
Letter to the Department of Education
In the summer of 2023, OCHC sent a letter to the ODH regarding the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program and the Minority Health Strikeforce Blueprint, urging them to prioritize equity and address racism in healthcare while preparing to publish the new State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP).
In 2022, OCHC worked with others to create an innovative Health Equity Assessment Tool, designed to help policymakers make fairer decisions for all Ohioans. OCHC worked with a coalition to develop recommendations to financially support school-based health care in Ohio. OCHC submitted questions to CMS regarding access to health care coverage.
Health equity assessment tool (04/22)
Statewide workgroup recommendations (04/22)
OCHC Medicaid letter (04/22)
Throughout 2022, OCHC continued its efforts to oppose Ohio House Bills 322 and 327, both of which would undermine education and restrict learning.
Also in 2022, OCHC Signed onto the Hunger Free Schools Ohio campaign, with the mission to ensure all Ohio students have access to school meals.
In 2021, OCHC advocated for anti-racism in health care. With UCHAN Ohio, OCHC encouraged policymakers to consider Health and Equity in all Policies. The coalition highlighted the need for Ohio to strengthen school-based health care.
School-based health care letter (04/21)
In 2020, OCHC recommended steps to Ohio’s governor and General Assembly on addressing COVID-19 and racial health disparities. OCHC advocated for integrating health equity considerations into policy-making. OCHC sent a letter to ODM regarding the implementation plan for Medicaid work requirements, seeking to protect Medicaid applications and services. OCHC educated consumers about health policies to increase community engagement and consumer voice in policy decisions.
OCHC comments to CMS (01/20)
OCHC letter to Ohio Department of Medicaid (01/20)
OCHC recommendations for Ohio’s COVID-19 response (04/20)
OCHC response to MHSF report (12/20)
In 2019, OCHC submitted comments to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in response to the request for comment on the consumer inflation measures produced by Federal Statistical Agencies. OCHC sent a letter to ODM requesting information regarding Medicaid enrollment rates dropping.
OCHC comments on consumer inflation measures (06/19)
In 2018, OCHC advocated at the state and federal level in opposition to Ohio Department of Medicaid’s s.1115 Medicaid waiver application seeking to impose additional requirements on people who rely on Medicaid for them to maintain health insurance coverage.
OCHC Comments to CMS on Ohio Medicaid s.1115 waiver proposal
In 2017, along with many partners, OCHC successfully advocated to protect the 2013 expansion of Medicaid to include over 701,000 Ohioans.
In 2016, OCHC engaged its member organizations in successfully opposing the State of Ohio’s s.1115 “Healthy Ohio” waiver request by disseminating information about the waiver impact, filing comments, and providing testimony on state hearings on the waiver request.
In 2015, OCHC supplied testimony and other input that improved the Ohio Department of Insurance rule requiring health plans to maintain accessible and up-to-date provider network listings.
Since 2014, OCHC has convened regular “feedback loop” calls with patient navigators, certified application assistants, and other providers of health services, identifying barriers in Marketplace, Medicaid, and other health plans and developing strategies to alleviate them.