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Dental Care

  • UHCAN Ohio and our partners successfully defeated the 2016 NotHealthy4Ohio waiver that would have resulted in over a 100,000 people losing Medicaid coverage
  • For the 2018 waiver proposed requiring new burdens on the Medicaid expansion population,  UHCAN Ohio collected and submitted 585 comments to the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
  • UHCAN Ohio has collected 25 stories from people who have depended on Medicaid for their health care coverage.  We have used these stories with the media and in our testimony to oppose harmful changes.


  • The project organized 3 successful Advocacy Days, where supporters met with their legislators to ask them to sponsor dental therapist legislation.
  • It grew the number of organizations that support us from 62 to 88, including diverse groups such as Ohio Public Health Association, Americans for Prosperity, and Ohio Dental Hygiene Association.
  • And it obtained Legislative sponsor for dental therapist legislation, Senator Peggy Lehner, who introduced SB330 during the 2016 legislative session to add dental therapists to the dentist-led team.


  • UHCAN Ohio has trained consumer advisory committees for two of the MyCare plans to help the participants provide meaningful input on systems changes that will lead to quality improvement.
  • OCVIC Coalition leadership meets regularly with the leadership of Medicaid, the managed care plans and consumers to communicate common concerns that are being experienced by those with MyCare.
  • UHCAN conducted a survey of over 3,000 MyCare members to identify the challenges they are having in getting quality healthcare under the plans.  The two major findings were problems with care coordination and durable medical equipment.

Ohio Consumers for Health Coverage

  • Along with many partners, OCHC was successful in securing the 2013 expansion of Medicaid to include over 600,000 Ohioans.
  • OCHC has engaged its member organizations in successfully opposing the State of Ohio’s 1115 “Healthy Ohio” waiver request by disseminating information about the waiver impact, filing comments and providing testimony on state hearings on the waiver request.
  • OCHC has convened a monthly “feedback” loop since 2014 that has identified key barriers in Marketplace and other health plans and developed strategies to address them.
  • In 2015, OCHC supplied testimony and other input that improved the Ohio Department of Insurance rule requiring health plans to maintain accessible and up to date provider network listings.

Youth Substance Use

youth substance
  • UHCAN Ohio has a commitment of Portsmouth City Schools to pilot SBIRT in its 7th grade.
  • We have provided the technical support on SBIRT to move one school board to approve SBIRT in its district in Southwest Ohio.
  • We have provided the technical support to move SBIRT forward in 4 Franklin County school districts.

Patient Centered Medical Home

  • The Office of Health Transformation incorporated changes to the PCMH model that reflected UHCAN Ohio comments on the relationship with consumers, including getting input and sharing the results of surveys and quality improvement efforts.
  • UHCAN Ohio worked with Community Catalyst to create training material and guidance for patient and family advisory council training.
  • Jackie Birchfield,

    I work in retail and one day the pastor of Mt. Gerizim came into the store and he heard me talking about not having insurance. He said his wife helped people get enrolled in coverage at his church for UHCAN Ohio and that I should come by and get enrolled. Thanks to UHCAN Ohio for having someone in the community that is willing to help others understand that health care is a necessity for quality of life.

  • Karen Bell, Ohio Consumers for Health Coverage, Executive Committee Member

    I’ve been an advocate with UHCAN Ohio for the last 10 years. During that time, UHCAN Ohio has strongly advocated for comprehensive and equitable health coverage for all Ohioans and Americans. I continue to be involved because UHCAN Ohio has kept me informed about changes that could affect me and my community so that we can build a grassroots response in time to make a difference on the decision. I am grateful to UHCAN Ohio for building my skills in so many ways, including understanding policy and learning how to raise up the voices of those in my community to decision makers.

  • Kathya Reyes,

    I would like to thank UHCAN Ohio for having someone in the community to help me understand the importance of having health care. During UHCAN Ohio’s health insurance literacy session, I learned how to use my health insurance and how important it is to have a primary care doctor. I also learned about health policies and how they impact me and those I love. As a result of my church's partnerships with UHCAN Ohio, my church members and I got involved in providing comments on the Healthy Ohio waiver. It was important for us to let policy makers know that this is not good for us, our families, or our communities.

  • Jane Hash Jane Hash ,

    Before I started working with UHCAN Ohio, it was difficult to get my voice heard. Now, with UHCAN Ohio’s support, I have a place at the table with decision makers, where I can raise, not only my issues, but the concerns and opinions of other older adults and people with disabilities. Our partnership has provided me with opportunities to put my leadership skills to use for the whole community. For example, I was recently elected to Board of Directors at LEAP (Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential). I look forward to continuing to work with UHCAN Ohio until all Ohioans get the care they need to lead healthy lives.

  • Deb Robison Deb Robison , Family and Student Services

    UHCAN Ohio is an invaluable resource for schools and communities in Ohio that are hoping to implement SBIRT. UHCAN Ohio provides guidance, technical support, encouragement and connection to other communities. School districts in Hamilton, Franklin, Clermont, Scioto, Cuyahoga, Butler and Lorain counties have benefitted from UHCAN Ohio's expertise and passion for making SBIRT available to every student. As state level advocates for SBIRT cost reimbursement, UHCAN Ohio is working to make the screening and brief intervention sustainable for all communities and school districts so that young adults across the state develop the judgment and life skills they need to lead healthy, productive lives.

  • Brenda Latham (2) Brenda Latham ,

    UHCAN Ohio has helped me to become an advocate for health care. I have learned a lot from working with them to do health literacy in my church. I have learned how important it is to understand how to use your health insurance, and how important it is for my church to understand new policies that affect us like the Healthy Ohio Waiver. If it were not for our partnership with UHCAN Ohio, my church members and I would not have known about this waiver or had a chance to provide comments to let policy makers know that this is not good for us, our families, and our community.

UHCAN Ohio's Annual Reports